Raw Materials Laboratory

  • Digital sieve test













Made by Disa

Determining the grain size distribution and AFS of casting sands


Hot tensile strength of loose (resin) sands





Made by Disa

Measuring the hot tensile strength of resin sands


Densiometer (BEL, Italy)











Measuring the density of various kinds of solid samples and parts


Digital and paper pH meter



Made by RADIOMETER, France

Made by ADWA, Italy

Measuring the pH of acidic, basic, or natural materials and solutions

  • Digital hydrometer MA35 (Sartorius, Germany)











  • Electrical permeability device (George Fischer, +GF, Swiss)










Measuring the gas permeability of casting sands



  • Digital universal test for casting sand (Mini Lab)




Made by Disa

 Measuring properties of casting sand such as wet compressive strength, wet shear strength, wet splitting strength, and compression percentage of casting sands



  • Wet tensile strength (WTS)














Measuring the hot-wet tensile strength of casting sands and new bentonites

Made by Disa


  • Digital electrical furnaces









Made by Nabertherm, Germany, 0-1200˚C, smart furnace

Made by Teb Azma Co., Iran, 0-1200˚C

Lece CS 200 carbon and sulfur analyzer













Measuring the carbon and sulfur contents of parts and raw materials such as graphite and coal dust (Leco, USA)

  • Electrical centrifuge


Made by Teb Azma Co., Iran

Centrifuging prepared materials such as the bentonite mixture for measuring the montmorillonite content

  • Shatter index instrument

Made by George Fischer (+GF), Swiss

Determining properties of wet casting sand


  • Stereomicroscope








Made by Radical Co., India

Detecting appearance defects of casting parts, grain geometry, and raw materials

  • Remelt instrument












Made by LINN Co., Germany

Preparation of flake samples of parts for quantometric analyses
